Digital Marketing Strategy Matters: A Personal Lighthouse Moment

SEO Consulting

The Right Time To Revisit Marketing Strategy?

On an evening walk recently, I had what I like to call a “lighthouse moment”—an epiphany so illuminating, it doesn’t just light a bulb but shines a guiding beacon. This wasn’t just about personal growth; it touched every aspect of how I approach business, marketing strategy, and life. Let me explain.

Years ago, when I was battling low self-confidence and struggling with my health, I felt like I had hit rock bottom. At nearly 300 pounds, I had given up on myself. Then came an unexpected source of inspiration—X/Twitter.

I’ve always enjoyed following BYU basketball players, both current and alumni, and one of my favorites has been @collinsworth55 (Kyle Collinsworth). Known as “Mr. Triple-Double,” his incredible achievements on the court earned him legendary status among fans. One day, a simple post of his popped up in my feed:

“Don’t give up. Start simple. Do one thing at a time.”

That message planted a seed in my mind. Could success be that simple? What if I could show up consistently and refuse to give up?

digital marketing strategy consistency

Fast-forward to today, and I’ve found that Kyle’s words ring true. During my walk that evening—something I’ve committed to regularly as part of my routine—I found myself at the Springville football field. The symbolism of being there was striking. This is where future college athletes dream big and work tirelessly to make those dreams a reality. It’s also where I was reminded of the power of persistence.

The Broken Clipboard and the Marketing Playbook

Walking the track and picking up trash, I noticed a broken clipboard on the field. It symbolized frustration—a discarded playbook, perhaps tossed aside by a coach whose plans didn’t work. I couldn’t help but draw a parallel between my journey and our business challenges.

digital marketing strategy

In life and SEO consulting, multi-channel marketing, or any business, it’s easy to feel defeated when plans don’t pan out. Sometimes, we’re tempted to “snap the clipboard,” give up and abandon our strategies. But here’s the truth: success isn’t about never failing; it’s about consistently showing up, learning, and improving.

As a digital marketing consultant, I’ve seen businesses get bogged down by failed campaigns or stagnant results. The key to transformation is simple: keep showing up. Analyze the data, refine the playbook, and execute one better strategy each day.

Consistency Is the Game Changer In Digital Marketing

My journey back to health has been a testament to consistency. Over the past two years, I’ve dropped over 100 pounds and found mental clarity and joy I hadn’t experienced in years. It didn’t happen overnight. It took daily effort—walking, eating better, and showing up even on the hard days.

This same principle applies to marketing strategy. Whether you’re fine-tuning a multi-channel marketing campaign or optimizing an SEO plan, change happens when you remain consistent with your efforts. Miss a day? That’s fine. Show up the next day, reevaluate, and keep moving forward.

Kyle Collinsworth’s mantra—“Win the morning, win the day”—has been a powerful reminder. Each morning is an opportunity to reset and tackle the scoreboard of life with renewed determination.

Don’t Throw Away the Small Wins

The broken clipboard reminded me of something crucial: never dismiss your small wins, no matter how the scoreboard looks. In marketing, those small wins might look like a higher engagement rate on a LinkedIn ad, increased organic traffic, or a single keyword climbing in the rankings. Each is a sign of progress, proof that the strategy is working.

digital marketing results

As a business owner or marketer, it’s easy to get discouraged by the big picture—maybe you’re not seeing immediate results from your efforts. But don’t throw away the playbook. Instead, adjust, adapt, and keep showing up.

Persistence and Reflection: A Winning Formula

Change happens when persistence meets consistency. Take a moment to reflect on what’s working, discard what isn’t, and make your next move purposefully. This isn’t just about self-improvement; it’s a cornerstone of effective business practices. I often encourage clients to re-evaluate their approach in digital marketing consulting: What’s driving results? What’s not? And how can we better align strategies across all channels?

Remember that you can do this no matter where you are on your journey—whether personal, professional, or both. Transformation is just around the corner, waiting for those who keep moving forward.

Thank you, Kyle Collinsworth. Your posts have been a lighthouse guiding my way and continue to inspire me daily. Whether in life or business, showing up and staying consistent is the key to success.

Let’s keep going—together. Change happens when you commit to taking one step at a time every day.

Let’s connect and discuss how we can work together to grow your business, regain traffic, and transform your marketing approach.

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